Easy Diesel, Premium Diesel and WinterTour additives to improve your vehicle and machine performance and to decrease maintenance costs. When you order also additive, our truck driver will pour it into the diesel fuel he ships to your premises, so you can be sure you really have premium diesel. The proposed mixing ratio is 1 litre additive for 1000 litres of diesel fuel.

Hydrotreated Vegetable Oil made of 100% bio sources, which can be used as a replacement of diesel fuel without any modification in your vehicle/machine. At the moment as per the legislation of Hungary HVO100 cannot be sold at fuel stations, but you can use it within your premises in trucks, machines, water vehicles and aggregators. We can ship it only in large quantities (18- or 30-32k litres). Alternatively we can supply HVO7, -20, -25 or -30 too being considered as fossil diesel fuel with HVO content. More info about HVO fuels on our dedicated website:

Igol, a French brand of lubricants since 1949. Today, IGOL is one of the leader independent manufacturer of lubricants. We are one of the official commercial partners of them and our expert happily help you to choose from their wide range of products from general lubrications through machining and automotive fluids to special demands like e.g. old timer lubricants.

By-pass the uncertainty of continuous price change of diesel fuel by installing your own fuel tank or mobile fuel station at your own premises. Buying a larger quantity of diesel fuel also ensures higher discount. We help you through the whole legal. technical and economical process. Adding fuel level gauges (see previous section) makes administration and remote control easy as 1,2,3.